Saif Ali Khan recently left his fans shocked after he was attacked by burglars who broke out at his residence at early hours of Thursday. The intruders attacked him at 2:30 am and the actor sustained six stabs wounds. He was quickly rushed to Lilavati Hospital and has been undergoing surgery. While the probe is underway, Saif Ali Khan’s kids Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan arrived at the hospital.
Sara and Ibrahim visit Saif at hospital
Ibrahim and Sara, visibly concerned, were spotted by the paparazzi as they arrived at Lilavati Hospital to check on their father’s well-being. The siblings were seen getting out of the car and entering the hospital premises together. Ibrahim was seen in a white t-shirt with blue denims, while Sara Ali Khan also donned a casual white outfit.
Siddharth Anand and his wife also arrived at Lilavati Hospital to visit Saif Ali Khan after the tragic incident!
What happened at Saif Ali Khan’s residence?
According to sources close to SCREEN, the attack took place in the room of Saif and Kareena’s children, Taimur Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor was also at home during the incident. Upon spotting the intruder, Saif confronted the burglar head-on to protect his family. In his attempt to safeguard them, he was attacked by the thief with a knife.
An official statement has been issued by Saif Ali Khan’s team. It read, “There was an attempted burglary at Mr Saif Ali Khan’s residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing a surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It’s a police matter. We will keep you updated on the situation.”
Kareena Kapoor’s team also shared a similar statement, adding that the rest of the family is doing fine. It read, “There was an attempted burglary at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence last night. Saif had an injury on his arm for which he is in hospital, undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is doing fine. We request the media and fans to be patient and not speculate any further as the Police are already doing their due investigations. Thank you all for your concern.”
Here’s wishing Saif a speedy recovery!